Special Medical Services
Mancheriyala District - Follow up case: Patient Sri Velugapati Padmamohan Rao (M/73) is suffering with shortness of breath and cough since three months on and off and brought to the notice of State Medical activity incharge. He consulted Dr. Anil Kumar Mulpur, Chief Cardiothoracic surgeon, Apollo Hospital, Karimnagar and on his advise patient admitted in the hospital on 10.4.23. On the same day, Coronary Angiogram done. and all other relevant investigations done and diagnosed as severeCalcific Aortic Stenosis. Patient underwent surgery of Aortic Valvereplacement on 11.4.23. Post operative period wa hemodynamically stable and discharged on 15.4.23. Patient and his family members expressed their happiness and gratitude for the services rendered by the organisation members Services rendered by the medical team are placed at the Divine Lotus feet of our Beloved Swamy. Sairam.