The Youth wing of Sangareddy district (Mahila and gents)organised for a district level disaster management awareness programme hosted by Sri Sathya sai seva samithi BHEL on Sunday,the 21st of February 2021. It was marked by the presence and support of many office bearers of the samithi.The occasion was graced by the State Mahila youth coordinator Sri.Nivedita garu,district President Sri.Shankarappa garu Convenors and office bearers of the various Samithis of the district.The youth brothers of Vikarabad and Parigi also joined in good numbers. The State disaster management team headed by Sri.Krishnakumar garu and Sri.Ravi Kiran garu conducted a spell bound programme captivating the attention of participants all throughout. The programme started with Chanting of Vedam,followed by flag hoisting and Bhajan and then the lighting of the ceremonial lamp. Techniques involving fire fighting CPR,rescuing of stranded people on roofs,lifting and transportation techniques of injured people etc...were delivered to the participants. Around 120 youth participated in the programme.(41 Mahilas and 72 gents).This programme will lead to the second level training programme after a couple of months. It was a great programme giving an opportunity for most of the youth in the district to meet and interact and refresh themselves in the spirit of Sai after a long gap because of Covid. Offering our gratitude at Bhagwan's lotus feet and seeking His blessings. Sairam, Youth Wing Sangareddy district