*RPL 2019 SSSSO BHEL* November 2-3 PARTHI Yatra
With Bhagawan blessings RPL students were taken to Puttaparthi for two days accompanied by 5 sevadal from BHEL samithi. Students really had a wonderful time and their faith got multifold during this visit.
Day 1 Chaitanya Jyothi Museum: In the morning, after the harathi students were taken to the museum, students were explained about most of the exhibits by our brothers.
Super Speciality Hospital Visit: In the afternoon after the meals all the students were taken for hospital visit. Students were explained about each speciality and latest equipment being used. special show was screened about hospital for the students.
Day-2 University Visit: Brothers were taken through the campus by director of SSIHL. Sir explained about latest laboratories available for the SSIHL students. Had a great interaction with director sir, he clarified many questions of brothers. Apart from these, brothers were taken to planetarium, Sports Centre, Swami Birth Place, Kalpa Vriksham, Samadhi road etc. In the return, Prasadam (laddu, photo and one vibuthi) was distributed to each student. Had a half an hour bajan in the train.