Sairam as part of Swatchatha Se Divyatha Tak program, today safilguda samithi took out a rally to educate public on non useage of plastic, as many as 35 children and 25 elders took part in the rally from 8.30am to 10.30am in which Sri Nagaraju, Swatchath Bharath Chairman, Malkajgiri sector took part, Jyothi prajwalana and harathi was offered to Swami by him, total man hours 60 X 2 = 120 hours, a few photos attached, instead of plastic bags use cloth bags suggested to public and a few bags prepared of our organisation image was circulated to some people in the vegetable market at Anand Bagh circle today on the eve of avathaar declaration day, shall send few more photos by night, sevak sethu